Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Sal's Message October 25, 2010

To My Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Sorry this e-mail is late, but we just return from our trip Upstate New York. I could not get on line Monday evening after the Prayer Meeting. It was a night of sharing and singing for us, we enjoyed the evening and we knew that the Lord was with us. A word was given--{{ My Children You Have Many Questions tonight, Come To The Foot Of My Cross And Allow Me To Answer Them.]] The readings were: Psalms 27--Luke Ch. 22 and Micah Ch. 6. Next Monday we will meet at the Chapel at 7:30 p.m. please try to come and allow the Lord to speak to you. Until then God Bless. Sal

Sal's Message October 18, 2010

Coming together each week we learn to grow deeper in our walk with our Lord. Yes, slowly we grow but we learn how much He loves each of us, when we pray, praise and worship our Lord together. And this week was no different, a word of prophecy was given, {{ MY CHILDREN I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU, I WILL ALWAYS BE BY YOUR SIDE. }}---The readings were: Psalms 28--Psalms 4--John Ch.17. ver. 20-24. Please try to read them again. Another word was given, {{ DO NOT HOLD BACK MY CHILD OPEN UP YOUR HEART AND LET ME IN }}. The teaching was on Faith as a Channel. We must be plugged into the power source, which is our Lord Jesus Christ. Andhow do we stay plugged in? We do that through a personal relationship with God--which requires time. The victory is in God. So please continue to pray and fellowship and attend church and prayer groups, and you will grow closer to oure Lord. Remember you cannot do it alone. Until next Monday evening which is the end of the month, please bring your Bibles and sharing for another evening of fellowship and love for our Lord. God Bless Sal

Sal's Message - October 4, 2010

" My Children, As I Walk Among You Tonight I Will Anoint You With My Love."
Yes, and that is what are Lord did as we gather in His Blessed Name. The night was filled with rain outside, but in the Chapel we were warm in His Love, as we sang and Praise the Lord He spoke to us, through some bible ver. from: Jeremiah Ch. 29-ver. 11-14--and--John Ch. 7-ver. 37-39. The teaching was given by Anne Slate on Forgiveness, and if we don't forgive it can eat at us in many ways. Time now to forgive, pray and find inner peace and healing. Thank you Anne for a great teaching. Manny read a short story on 'Listen' it also was beautiful. If you need a copy we can give one to you.
Stay Safe and God Bless. Sal