Monday, September 24, 2007

Sal's Message

Tonight we had the pleasure of having Sonia and Anna attend our prayer meeting. It was great to see both of them. We started quietly and allowed the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts. A word was given, "Tonight My children let you hearts be your guide and I will be beside you". The readings were: Psalms Ch. 33-ver.1-5---Psalms Ch.139-ver.1-18----Isaiah Ch. 41--ver.28----Matthew Ch. 5-ver. 3-10. A poem was read by Geri which was very powerful. The teaching was on Mercy, how God's mercy works in our lives. We must remember even the smallest act of mercy will show God's Love and patience to others. We ended in a small sharing and prayer. Another beautiful evening with our Lord. REMINDER, the next six weeks we will meet in the choir room, at 7:30p.m. Please try to come on time. We will pray, sing and offer up our prayers. Then we will go into church for those of us who will be attending the bible study at 8:30p.m. We will be parking in the front of church from now on. Have a blessed week, Sal

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