Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sal's Message

The night was cold and the chapel was chilly but we all came with a warm heart and the love of Jesus, so keeping our coats on we sang and praised the Lord and warmed ourselves up. The power of prayer again was so very strong. There was a reading from Ephesians Ch. 1--Ver. 3--14. A word was given, "We have not chosen Him, He has chosen us and we are to go out and be fruitful. " Bill did the teaching and his gift of speaking and sharing is so powerful. He shared about real life, that bad things happen and that we should count our blessings and with God's help when the bad stuff comes we will know how to handle it. There was so much more in his teaching hard to share. We ended in joyful prayer and went to our warn homes and thanked the Lord for bringing us together again. Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe this week. God bless, Sal

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