Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sal's Message

We opened in prayer and allowed the Holy Spirit to touch each of us tonight. Tape music was used and we sang and enjoyed the different songs and felt His presents among us. A word was given, "My children tonight I will light the way for each of you." We were told to listen from our heart, our soul, and our mind. The reading came from: 2 Corinthians Ch.12-Ver.7 ------Colossians Ch. 1 Ver.24---29. The teaching was How Significant Are You? We discovered the significance that has been ours all along as a child of the King. We must be aware of the power of prayer, realizing that our prayer, our life, can make a difference. Read Mark 11, Ver 22--25 and you know how important prayer is, and how powerful and significant you can get. God Bless, Sal

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