Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Sal's Message

As we gathered together on Monday evening, it was great to see Bill and Evelyn back with us. We do miss so many of our prayer family members that cannot make it, but we continue to pray by name for each of them. A word was given { My Children listen carefully to what I will share with you tonight and take that with you. }--There was many readings tonight, John ch.4,---Galatians ch. 3- ver. 26.----Matthew ch. 6-ver.25---Luke ch. 6-ver.20-23---and John ch.5-ver. 1-13. The teaching was a story call "The Son". The story was beautiful and we got the meaning of the story, which was that, God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, who so ever believeth, shall have eternal life.....That's Love!! We must pass this message on to others. Until next Monday at 7:30 p.m. May the Lord Bless and Keep each of you safe this week. Sal

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