Friday, August 28, 2009

Sal's Message Aug 17th

The night was hot outside but in the Chapel the air was cool, and our hearts were warm with the love of Jesus inside us. We sang and enjoyed how the Lord works with us we began to feel His presencs. A word was given {My Children before you leave tonight, place your hands on My Cross, and I will heal you.}--The readings are: Isaiah 35--and---Psalm 136-ver. 1-9. The teaching tonight was given by Mary Ann, and how powerful it was. She shares on prayer. We learned that prayer was put in place by our Lord, for us. We must follow God's directions, remember God leads and we should follow. We must be in His Word daily, open the bible and start reading, make time for Him. It will help us grow. We will meet next Monday at 7:30p.m. in the Chapel, and don't forget Debbie's Pool Party this Sat. call Debbie if your coming. Until then have a Cool week. Sal

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