Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sal's Message Sept 26, 2011

Tonight was a night filled with sharing. It is the last Monday of the month and it was a sharing evening. We started the night in sharing and laughter and as we began to pray we felt the Lord in our presence. A word was given {{ As I walk among you tonight I offer My Hands and My Heart to each of you, allow Me into your heart. }} The readings were: Philippians Ch 4. ver. 4 and continue to read, also Psalms 138. Make sure you reread these and allow the Holy Spirit into your heart. At the beginning right after we rec'd his word, the first song we sang was " Come into My Heart Lord." and " Open the eyes of my heart Lord". It seem like everything just went into place that the Lord had it all planned out. The sharing was good and the time ran late because of it, but we left with a stronger faith in our Lord and ourselves. Until next Monday Oct. 3, at 7:30 p.m. have a great and bless week. Sal

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