Friday, May 28, 2010

From Sal, May 3, 2010

We started with prayer and beautiful music from our gifted Mary Ann. As we sang we felt the presence of Our Lord come into our hearts. A word was received [ My children only time and faith in Me will heal your wounds.]---The readings were: Psalms 47--Ephesians Ch. 2---&---Philppians- Ch.4--another word was given, { I have heard your loving cry, I have heard your need, Now trust in Me.}---The teaching was on juggling our souls, never knowing when we will have lost our chance forever. Let us trust the lord in what we do, and how we walk with Him. We must be faithful followers of our Lord and remain open to Him. Sometimes life may seen like we are juggling but thank you Father for being right at our side to guard each of us. Next week we at 7:30 p.m. the teaching with be a 15 minute C.D. from Brendan Case who was here in Feb. I feel we can all gain much from his teachings. Please bring your Bibles, paper and pen to take short notes. Also please keep May. 11, Tuesday evening open for a Healing Mass at our church. Until then have a safe and bless week. Sal

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