Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sal's Message August 23

With great joy we gathered together in His Name tonight. Yes, Jesus is the Way and with our hearts filled with His love, we sang and praisee our Lord. A word of prophecy was given: { My Children listen closely to My words tonight for they will guide and direct you.}--also--Anne spoke about the Lord's goodness in each of us and the beauty around us. We must see this beauty and know that it is from Him. The readings were from Isaiah Ch. 55--and--Ch. 6-ver. 8. The teaching was on letting loose your praise, and sharing from Isaiah Ch.1- ver.17 -Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. God wants worshipers with hearts full of love for Him that will overflow in good deeds for others. We could feel His presence and we are grateful for this prayer group. May we continue to grow stronger in the Lord. Next week please bring your Bibles and any sharing you may have. Anne will be leading the prayer meeting . Also the following week is Labor Day weekend, so we will NOT meet on Sept. 6, but will return on Sept. 13, to praise and worship our Lord. Have a safe holiday weekend. Until then may the Lord bless each of you and keep you safe in His care. God bless, Sal

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